The Grand Canyon: where dark reveals light …
The Grand Canyon is one of the few places left where you can see the night sky just as Native Americans did millennia ago. Most humans have never seen the Milyway, our little galaxy that Earth calls home, because it’s invisible due to the light pollution of modern society. In 2019 the Grand Canyon received its International Dark Sky Certification, but it became apparent to me decades ago deep in the backcountry that the canyon night sky was stunningly beautiful. It inspired me to buy full frame camera gear and to learn how to do timelapse photography. Most night sky shots in the Grand Canyon are from “drive up" places on the North Rim. I’m pretty proud of some of the unique shots here taken from remote areas of the backcountry on multi-day backpacks that have not seen night sky camera gear before.
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A Ripple In Time
The Apocalypse
Bright Angel Trail Spotlights
Fade to Black
The Ancient Sky at Nankoweap
Touch the Sky
A Night of Anticipation
The Angels Play Ball
Last Night of the Dark Horse
Rise Above the Smoke
Cape Royal Magic
The Seven Pools of Enlightenment
The Calm Before The Storm
The Light Before Dawn
Refections of a Galaxy
Moonrise Madness
The Two Greatest Rivers Meet
Backcountry Bliss
Dark Horse Hurdle
Muav Gorge Magic
Buddha Recharges
The Magic Carpet Into Hance
A Smoky Curtain
The Electric Dance
Moonlight Obsession
Orion is Watching
Pt Imperial Milkyway
Sunrise Moonset
The Gods Are Watching