In the Grand Canyon, you rarely see them, but they see you …
Despite seeming like a barren and desolate place, the Grand Canyon is teaming with life. Wildlife in the Canyon is highly adapted to the dry desert environment and often escapes your view without a sound. Unless they want something, like the Raven who works in teams: one to distract you and the other to steal your sandwich (or your wrist watch).
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Join me for Lunch?
You Can't See Me
Look Over Here
Four on the Edge
Born to Run
The Stand Off
The Sentinel
A Morning Stroll
Bombs Away
A Place to Ponder
I'm So Cute
A Low Fly by
Bulls On Parade
Riding The Thermals
Cute but Aware
River Sentinel
Bridge Brouhaha
In Velvet
Rest and Relaxation
Stall Speed
Head Rest
One-way Ledge